Nexus Sessions

The Nexus home trainer comes with many sessions designed to help guide your mind into the correct patterns and away from dysregulation. The unit comes with 9 folders that contain specific session. A breakdown of those sessions is below.

Mental Health Sessions

The sessions in this folder are designed to support people who have common neurological symptoms resulting from irregular brainwaves that are too fast or slow. Sessions may help with emotional trauma, mood swings, focus, attention, memory, cognitive decline and sleep related problems. Some have instructions to follow during the session. See descriptions below for specific benefits of each or consult your doctor for more specific details about each session.

Helps to unlock and desensitize repressed memories in a healthy manner. Think of your bad memory while moving your eyes left & right. Be sure to follow the panning lights & sound.

This disentrainment session helps those with elevated Delta, Theta and Alpha waves. It will help to break stuck patterns and stimulate new neuronal growth.

Targets beta and gamma frequencies to increase focus and sharpen/boost cognition. Energizing. Increases brainwave activity. Use whenever feeling sad.

This session may soothe the amygdala , ease chronic pain and may accelerate healing. The session uses rain sounds and can be used as an all night loop.

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). Breaks stuck patterns and desensitizes emotions connected to memory. Follow the lights & sound with your eyes while visualizing painful memories. Helps reprocess memories.

Sub-Delta frequencies may be soothing to the amygdala, where fight or flight instincts reside. May benefit chronic aches, fatigue, memory and mood issues.

Use while relaxing. May help with painful memories and stress. Each eye flashes differently (Bi-hemisphere) to provide improved benefits in Alpha and SMR.

Entraining at 1.5hz may benefit chronic aches & promote healthier sleep cycles.

This session targets the gamma range at 40hz with ambient music. Studies show the benefits of 40hz entrainment for help with memory related issues and focus. Gamma waves are diminished in people with severe cognitive decline.

Session targets the gamma range around 40hz, which may improve memory and cognition. Do not use near bedtime, and only 2-3 times per week.

Use while relaxing. Session cycles through the Delta range and soothes the amygdala. May help relieve chronic aches, severe mind aches & improve sleep.

Session may help dizziness and ear ringing. Audio is barely audible on purpose.

Use when feeling sad and you need to boost your mood. Pink noise may promote healthy sleep cycles. This session uses hidden affirmations in the audio to support your session. Has a post-hypnotic suggestion at the end.

May break stuck thinking patterns and encourage new neural pathways. Follow the panning lights with your eyes. May improve working memory. Rain sounds.

Uses Schumann frequencies to help with stress. Follow voice prompts and bell chimes for best effect. This relaxing session will take you to the edge of sleep.

A profoundly relaxing session to take you to the edge of sleep. Meditative sessions may help you become more centered and focused. Improves intuition.

Bedtime Sessions

Getting a good night’s rest is a huge problem for many people. Elevated brainwaves are often the reason, not allowing the transition to the Delta frequencies where regeneration is known to occur. These sessions offer pre-bedtime and all night sessions to help you get proper rest.

How should I use these sessions?

Check the descriptions below for each. The first 5 sessions are to be done BEFORE you get in bed. These set you up for a good night’s rest. #6 – #11 are for use when in bed and can be looped. For those sessions you can put the glasses on the nightstand next to you. The blinking in a dark room will be enough to offer a visual benefit. Or you can choose to wear the glasses. Do as many sessions or as often as you wish.

Session will produce a state of dissociation to calm overactive minds. Provides a good dose of SMR. Use between sunset and bedtime. Headphones required.

This session can be an ideal set up for a good night’s rest. Stimulates SMR then ramps down to Alpha. Start with eyes open and let them close halfway through.

Same as the alpha nightcap except it ends with high Theta (7 Hz). Creates an ideal set up for a good night’s rest. Start with eyes open, then close your eyes at 6 minutes when you hear the chime. User may choose their own color set.

This session uses the Schumann resonance to create dissociation, which can calm overactive minds. Lights and sound are panned from left to right to disrupt stuck patterns that prevent the transition to Alpha. Try using in the evening to calm your mind and get ready for sleep. Uses soothing music.

This is a short sleep induction session that uses a soft choir for background music. Use immersion or eyes closed glasses. It does not need to be looped.

The following sessions can be played once in bed or looped all night. We suggest using an external speaker instead of earbuds and putting the immersion or eyes closed glasses on the nightstand next to you. You will see the lights with your eyes closed.

Use earbuds or external speaker and put glasses on a nearby nightstand. This session puts you to rest quickly and encourages deep delta frequencies, where regeneration takes place. Red light will not disturb melatonin production.

Use earbuds or external speaker and put eyes closed glasses on a nearby nightstand. Loop all night. This will ease the user to rest and encourage more deep delta stage frequencies. Pink noise has been found to encourage sleep.

Use earbuds or external audio and put eyes closed glasses on a nearby nightstand. Loop all night. Uses a mix of isochronic tones, modulated music and rain ambiance. Rain sounds are helpful for nighttime sleep cycles.

Use earbuds or external audio and put eyes closed glasses on a nearby nightstand. Same as #6 above, but uses night sounds instead of rain.

Use earbuds or external speaker and eyes closed glasses on a nightstand nearby. Session uses a hypnotic plunging technique to put the user out quickly.

Use earbuds or external speaker and eyes closed glasses on a nightstand nearby. Entraining at 1.5hz may relieve pain and promote healthier sleep cycles.

Disentrainment Sessions

The goal of disentrainment is to use randomized lights and sounds to break up stuck patterns in the mind and encourage new neuronal growth. Stuck patterns can lead to bad habits and addictions. Randomization is unfamiliar to the mind, so it will pause and refocus. By doing this constantly, it can help the mind break out of stuck patterns on its own. This random method may be effective for many different neurological conditions.

We recommend using disentrainment often, especially when in mood cycles that you want to be free of. Use any glasses for sessions.

This disentrainment session helps those with elevated Delta, Theta and Alpha waves. It will help to break stuck patterns and stimulate new neuronal growth.

Randomizes lights, tones, and modulated music from Low Delta – Beta with soothing music.

Uses tones instead of music. Randomizes frequencies from Low Delta – Alpha

Uses tones instead of music. Randomizes frequencies from high Alpha – Gamma

Uses tones instead of music. Randomizes frequencies from Low Delta – Beta at a slow speed.

Uses tones instead of music. Randomizes frequencies from Low Delta – Beta at a medium speed.

Uses tones instead of music. Randomizes frequencies from Low Delta – Beta at a fast speed